PRIVATE hire taxi drivers have been granted the option to install safety screen partitions in their vehicles as a method of protection from "assault and violent attack".

Previously, safety screens were permitted, but this was as a temporary measure for protection from Covid-19.

However, Glasgow City Council's Licensing and Regulatory Committee has now voted in favour for the screens to be a permanent option post-Covid.

Glasgow Times:

Private hire car licence holders will now have the option to install the screens as long as they follow guidance which has been approved by the city's licensing chiefs.

That guidance outlines the exact construction materials that the screens should be made from and the installation methods to ensure that screens are being fitted safely.

The Scottish Private Hire Association (SPHA) has been campaigning on this proposal and lobbying for the policy to be adopted.

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John Paul Duffy, the West of Scotland branch chair of the SPHA, said: “We've been campaigning on issues of driver safety and as part of that we asked Glasgow City Council to grant drivers the permission to keep screens in their cars long term.

“The decision is a major success for our campaign and a major success for private hire drivers across the city who are looking for ways to better protect themselves while at work.”

According to the SPHA, the main hurdle in gaining the option to install safety screens seemed to be that, historically, a lack of guidance on how to do so safely had prevented councils from granting permission.

The association claimed that this was no longer the case as during the Covid pandemic, as the Scottish Government had issued safety guidance.

Glasgow Times: Eddie Grice, SPHA General Secretary and SPHA driver, John Wallace, with Licensing Convenor, Alex WilsonEddie Grice, SPHA General Secretary and SPHA driver, John Wallace, with Licensing Convenor, Alex Wilson

Eddie Grice, the general secretary of the SPHA, added: “The decision will be heavily applauded by members and by private hire drivers throughout the city.

“It shows that the council do take issues of driver safety just as seriously as they take issues of public safety.

“Private hire car operators have now been granted an option to protect drivers. This is a very positive step forward. It should also be pointed out that the presence of screens will also offer a level of protection and reassurance to the travelling public.

“Moreover, Covid is still a threat, and the screens continue to protect drivers and passengers from the risk of infection.

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“Over and above that though, the councillors on the committee have now delivered on a promise made during the recent council election campaign.

“They have taken a proposal offered to them by trade representatives, put it on their agenda, discussed its merits, and voted to implement it. They have stuck to the pledges made and to that, I say, 'Bravo'.”