A renowned Indian restaurant in Glasgow will host a second edition of its curry and quiz night to raise money for a military charity.

Mr Singh’s India in the West End invites teams of four to sign up for the event on October 27 to help raise money for the Armed Forces charity, SSAFA.

The ticket price includes a four-course meal with menu items like Mr Singh’s famous haggis pakora and a wide selection of curries, entry to the quiz, and a donation to the SSAFA.

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The inaugural curry and quiz night raised a whopping £900 for the military charity which provides lifelong support for the Forces and their families.

Among those at the fundraiser was Gary Jamieson, a veteran of the Scots Guards and triple amputee after injuries received in a 2010 IED attack in Afghanistan.

Hero Mr Jamieson will soon be undertaking another charity challenge when he participates in the Edinburgh Kilt Walk on September 18.

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Scott Cunningham, events officer for the SSAFA who organised the event, said: “It was an amazing evening, full of people generous with their time and their money, not least of whom were Mr Singh himself and quizmaster Ricki Neil.

“Big thanks, too, must go to those businesses who donated prizes to the draw, which included Tunnock’s, Slaters Menswear, Knockhill Racing Circuit, and the Fairmont Hotel St Andrews.

“You and all the others helped make the evening the success it was, helping SSAFA support veterans, serving personnel, and their families when they need it, so roll on the next curry and quiz night at Mr Singh’s India.”

Tickets for the upcoming quiz night on October 27 at 7:30pm are £27.50 per head and can be purchased online at events.ssafa.org.uk/ps/event/QuizandCurry.