A MAN tried to headbutt a cop after threatening to bite his face off.

Anthony McGurran, 36, was arguing with someone on Drumbottie Road in Springburn when police turned up at 3.25pm on December 23, 2020.

Officers noted both men to be drunk.

When they tried to speak with McGurran to find out why the argument was taking place, he walked away.

At Glasgow Sheriff Court this week, the prosecutor said: “One of the officers put their hand on the accused’s chest to stop him from going any further.

“In response to this, he became aggressive, saying, ‘if you touch me again, I’ll bite your face off’.

“He was told to calm down and didn’t. He resisted handcuffs being placed on him by throwing his body weight around and lashing out with his arms.

“He was taken to the ground and was lashing out with his legs.”

Officers sat McGurran up for him to receive medical treatment after he sustained a cut to his eye during the struggle.

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He was taken into an ambulance but continued to be aggressive.

McGurran, of Springburn, stated “all police are “p***s”.

Whilst within Glasgow Royal Infirmary, McGurran attempted to headbutt an officer.

He was restrained and taken to Govan police office.

McGurran’s lawyer told the court his client accepted full responsibility.

She added: “He expresses remorse. He has significantly reduced his alcohol intake and is regularly engaging with drug workers.

“He has one outstanding matter. The recommendation is for a community payback order, and he is willing to engage.”

Sheriff Vincent Lunny said: “There needs to be a punitive element due to the nature of the offence and his record.”

A restriction of liberty order and supervision was being imposed when it came to light there was a problem with McGurran’s address.

Sentencing was deferred and the case will recall again next week.