A pensioner has lost an incredible eight stone after she became “fearful to live” when she suffered a heart attack.

Ann Barrowman was out shopping in 2016 when she collapsed from a severe heart attack and was saved by a stranger named Ronnie, who performed CPR on her.

Once the emergency services arrived Ann was pronounced medically dead for over an hour.

Glasgow Times: Clydebank Post Clydebank Post (Image: Clydebank Post)

It was from that moment on that the 71-year-old knew she needed to make some changes in her life.

Ann, from Dumbarton, told our sister title The Clydebank Post: “It started when I became a mother and like so many other new mothers, life revolved around my family, and naturally, you prioritise yourself last.

“Over the years, my weight issue just seemed to get the better of me. I was never able to conquer that hurdle. I seemed to yo-yo back and forth and life just got in the way.”

The year prior to her incident she lost her beloved husband, Alex, who passed away in September 2015.

Ann added: “In 2016 my health took a turn for the worse and while out shopping I collapsed.

“A man called Ronnie saved my life, performing CPR over the phone with the help of the emergency services. I underwent a double heart bypass and was medically dead for over an hour as they repaired the damage.

“I became scared of life. I found it difficult to leave the house in fear of what happened that day I went shopping.

“This didn’t do any favours for my mental health and I found myself carrying on the same habits as before.”

Ann was convinced to start the 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan at her heaviest of 18st after her son James’ success on the plan.

“I have a new-found zest for life that has helped me overcome health issues, mobility issues, and finally overcome that Monday feeling that never came.”, she continued.

“It’s taken me over 40 years to achieve my goal, but it’s finally arrived.”

Martin Bryan, Ann’s 1:1 diet consultant, told the Clydebank Post: “I am so proud of Ann and how much she has achieved. She faced her challenges head on and slowly overtook her obstacles.”

For more information contact martin1to1diet@gmail.com.