A firefighter threatened to rape a lone 16-year-old girl in a dark street.

Michael Roberts, 34, preyed on her in Glasgow's Maryhill in the early hours of November 19, 2021.

The girl told a jury that Roberts approached her in his car and aggressively told her to get in.

Ex-amateur boxer Roberts earlier offered to help her avoid a “bunch of boys” he claimed were further along the road. 

The victim refused before being told by Roberts that “he was going to rape" her.

Another 16-year-old girl was approached in the city’s Cardonald 10 days later.

She was called “sexy” by Roberts who offered her up to £100 to get into his car and give directions.

READ MORE: Arrest made after 'sexual assault' at Glasgow Central

Roberts, of Bishopbriggs, East Dunbartonshire, was found guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court of two charges of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner towards the girls.

The court heard from a now 17-year-old beauty therapy student who stated that she was walking home when Roberts in a car approached her in Maryhill after midnight. 

She said: "He asked me if I wanted a lift home. He was trying to convince me to get in his car.

"He was saying there was a bunch of boys further along the street and it was unsafe."

Prosecutor Mark Allan asked how the witness felt.

She replied: "That's when I started getting a bit concerned as he wasn't taking no for an answer."

The witness also denied being able to see a "bunch of boys" ahead of her.

Roberts drove his car back round the street to be closer to her.

He became more "aggressive" when he said: "Just get in the f***ing car, I'm just going to drive you home."

She stated that Roberts "opened the car door" and tried to "grab" her.

Mr Allan asked if Roberts said anything to her during these moments.

She replied: "He said that I was to get in his car and he was going to rape me."

The girl said she "just ran" until she arrived home a short distance away.

She reported the matter to the police immediately.

The court viewed CCTV showing part of the incident.

A 17-year-old sales advisor stated that she was also walking home when she saw a grey Vauxhall Corsa parked just off Berryknowes Road, Cardonald, at 9.40pm on November 29, 2021.

The witness said there were no other cars around which made her feel "hesitant."

She claimed that as she walked by the car she felt "quite uncomfortable" as the driver tried to speak to her.

Prosecutor Mark Allan asked for the first thing the driver Roberts said.

She replied: "Excuse me, excuse me, do you know where Penilee is?"

The witness stated that she gave the man directions.

She added: "He said he wasn't from here and asked to pay me money to take him to Penilee."

The girl said she felt "scared" as Roberts offered her £60 and £100.

Roberts then asked where she worked and her age.

She added "he said you are f***ing sexy you” before he “sped off".

Roberts was acquitted mid-trial of an identical charge against a third 16-year-old girl.

She told jurors that Roberts pulled up to her in the city's Govan at 8.15pm on November 29, 2021.

She said: "He said excuse me and he asked if I saw someone wearing something with the brand North Face on it and I said no back."

The girl stated that Roberts then asked her where a "booze shop" was and she directed him to a nearby convenience store.

Mr Allan asked what happened next.

She replied: "My mum and aunt pulled up in front of him and my mum got out the car saying 'who is this, what is happening' and I said I didn't know who he was."

Roberts told the court in his evidence that he was a firefighter for three-and-a-half years who mainly worked out of a station in Maryhill but is now unemployed.

Mr Allan said: "In relation to both incidents, you turned to the police when specifically asked about them and said you were not there?"

Roberts replied "that's correct" and later stated that they "slipped my mind".

He added: "Because of the things I was getting accused of, I said I wasn't there."

He admitted asking one of the girls about if she knew where his friends were but denied making sexual comments.

Roberts stated that he did offer one of the girls a lift home after asking for directions to Penilee.

It was revealed that Roberts has two road traffic convictions from 15 years ago.

Sentence was deferred pending background reports until next month by Sheriff Matthew Jackson KC who stated that offences were "very serious".

Roberts, who appeared from custody, had his remand continued meantime.