A CARE supervisor has been struck off after sending Islamophobic messages.

Ann-Marie Hunter was found to have sent threatening and abusive messages which displayed a "religious prejudice" between December 23, 2021, and January 5, 2022.

The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) described the incident as "serious" and added that Ms Hunter's chance of repetition had been assessed as moderate to high.

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A report by the SSSC confirmed the messages had been sent to two colleagues who had cooperated with an investigation by Ms Hunter's former employer.

The report said: "Social service workers must not behave, either in or outside the workplace, in a way which would bring their suitability to work in social services into question. Social service workers should promote and uphold diversity, act inclusively and communicate in an appropriate manner.

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"You sent threatening texts and emails to two colleagues who had cooperated with an investigation by your former employer. The content of the texts was discriminatory and Islamophobic."

Ms Hunter, of Glasgow, failed to show "insight, regret or remorse" leaving the SSSC with "no reassurance" that the incident would not reoccur.

The SSSC removed Ms Hunter from the register as both a supervisor in the care at home service and housing support service.