A THUG with a knife who threatened to attack his ex-partner's son was jailed today for 13 months.

Michael Gilchrist hurled abuse at Patricia Walker, 54, and Dyrail Gilchrist, 20, at her home in Easterhouse on January 22, 2021.

Glasgow Sheriff Court heard that the pair were together for a number of years before splitting in 2016.

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Gilchrist attended Patricia's home and shouted "f*****g cow" from outside.

He then turned his attention to Dyrail and said: "Come down and I will f*****g batter him.

"If you come down you will get done in, come down here wee man."

An upset Patricia locked her door and called the police.

Gilchrist continued to shout and swear before officers arrived.

Prosecutor Mark Allan said: "As officers made their way towards him, they witnessed Gilchrist throw a silver object over the fence which was recovered."

The item was found to be a Stanley knife and Gilchrist was arrested.

He pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner as well as having the knife in public without a reasonable excuse or lawful authority.

Stephen Bentley, defending, told the court Gilchrist's offending is borne out of a lifetime of addiction.

Sheriff Brian Cameron also granted a 12-month non-harassment order restricting Gilchrist's contact with Patricia and Dyrail.