A SPECIAL tribute is to be paid to a tragic teenager who lost his life in a river accident.

Councillor Robert Innes has secured funding for LED lighting that will be fitted around Linwood's Tweedie Hall and turn it blue for a day in honour of William McNally.

The Houston, Crosslee and Linwood representative is using the tribute to highlight the importance of staying safe around water.

Linwood High pupil William, 13, was swimming with friends at a section of the River Gryfe known as the Clay Pitts, in Houston, on June 2, 2021, when he got into difficulties.

He was rushed to Glasgow’s Royal Hospital for Children in a critical condition but died three days later.

Since then, William's family have persuaded Renfrewshire Council to have GPS signs and lifebelts placed along the riverbank as part of an overall drive to improve water safety.

Glasgow Times: William McNallyWilliam McNally (Image: Sourced)

Last year, to mark the first anniversary of William’s death and World Drowning Prevention Day, the council lit up Renfrew Town Hall, the Bascule Bridge and Johnstone Bandstand in his memory.

However, his hometown didn't have the necessary equipment to take part.

The new lighting means Linwood will be able to mark World Drowning Prevention Day on July 25 with its own blue light tribute.

Councillor Innes said: "William's family have been through the unimaginable.

"It occurred to me that nothing was lit up in Linwood last year and I thought that was a shame, considering it is the family's hometown.

“I raised this situation with council officers and I am happy that we will now be getting similar lights around Tweedie Hall.

Glasgow Times: Sharron Drennan with Councillor Robert InnesSharron Drennan with Councillor Robert Innes (Image: Sourced)

"It also means Linwood will be better equipped in the future to celebrate events such as Christmas, Remembrance Sunday or Pride.

“This would not have been possible without the hard work of William's family."

William's mother Sharron Drennan added: “I am glad that Linwood will have somewhere to highlight World Drowning Prevention Day and other events.

"Councillor Innes informed us that it was our campaign to highlight water safety that made the LED lights possible. He has also assured me he will continue to raise awareness of water safety and pursue improvements on our local rivers.

“William is still missed by all of us every single day and, as we approach the summer months again, it is important that our young people are aware of the dangers.

"I hope that our continued effort to raise awareness of water safety makes them think twice before entering the water in potentially unsafe places.”