A BUSINESSMAN claimed he hired a private detective to keep tabs on his actress niece who he handed £33,800.

David Bunton, 51, claimed his suspicions over Heather's career increased after the work was carried out.

Mr Bunton earlier told a court that he had given her the cash to help make her breakthrough in Hollywood.

He stated his sister Ann Dunlop, 67, said her daughter was being lined up for big acting roles and was mingling with A-listers such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Beyonce and Jay-Z.

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He also allegedly bailed out his financially "struggling" sister.

But Mr Bunton claimed he became suspicious after a Chanel advert Heather said she was starring in did not appear. 

Ann Dunlop is on trial at Glasgow Sheriff Court accused of obtaining a total of £35,368 by fraud from Mr Bunton as well as other family members between March and December 2016.

The offence is stated to have taken place at properties in Bearsden, East Dunbartonshire, Glasgow's Hyndland and Cumbernauld, North Lanarkshire.

The pensioner, of Beauly in the Highlands, denies the charge.

Mr Bunton - chief executive of a life science company - was asked why he hired a private investigator.

He replied: "We were perplexed by the situation and we were really trying to understand if the things we were being told were untrue.

"We had to find a way to understand this for ourselves."

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Mr Bunton claimed he made contact with a friend in the legal profession to hire the investigator.

The court earlier heard that Mr Bunton had been told by Dunlop and Heather that her agent was Hollywood executive Irving Azoff.

Prosecutor Redmond Harris asked the witness what stuff he asked the investigator to do.

He replied: "To establish if there was a relationship with Irving Azoff and if it was true that she was an actor and was there any basis to what we had been told in previous months."

Mr Bunton added that at the time "we were not aware of what was going on".

Mr Harris asked: "Following things with the private investigator, were your suspicions greater or unfounded?"

Mr Bunton said: "It confirmed what our fears were."

Mr Harris asked: "Your fears were greater?"

Mr Bunton replied: "Yes."

Text messages between Dunlop and Mr Bunton were shown to the court.

One from March 2016 read: "Was going to message you, still in London all week.

"Chanel have asked to go to the studio in London to record her new song this week while she is in London - if she didn't it would be difficult to fit it in."

Another referenced Dunlop and Heather going to see musical Hail Cesar as "she was working with them".

A message a few days later said: "I'm so sorry to ask you but would you be able to loan Heather £5000 to pay her rent and bills before she goes back to LA.

"Irving [Azoff] has put a small amount through as well..."

Mr Bunton stated that he paid the money and expected it back.

Another message claimed Heather was not sleeping due to problems including a paperwork issue with Bank of Scotland.

Other messages referred to actor Tim Burton putting Heather into work.

While a further text claimed that Tim Burton and director Stephen Daldry were "delighted with Heather" at the recording studio.

The same message further claimed that Heather was away to Paris to work for Chanel which was organised by Irving Azoff. 

Ann was also seen to tell her brother "not to worry" but "still struggling" with the bank. 

The trial continues before Sheriff Kevin McCarron.