A top cop has spoken out after two men were convicted in connection with the death of a Glasgow man. 

Jude McPhie, 42, pleaded guilty to murdering William Leiper in Pollok in August 2021 at Glasgow's High Court today.

Meanwhile, Christopher O'Reilly, 27, admitted to attempting to defeat the ends of justice.

Glasgow Times:


Mr Leiper's body was found in Househill Park on August 4, 2021.

It is alleged that his body was moved from the murder scene and into a wheelie bin and taken to the park before being torched. 

In the wake of the pleas, Detective Inspector Suzanne McNulty, of Police Scotland’s Major Investigation Team, released a statement welcoming the convictions.

She said: “Our thoughts are with Mr Leiper’s family at what is a very difficult time for them.

"Nothing can change what happened but I hope this conviction brings a degree of closure for relatives and friends.

“This was a particularly brutal attack and those responsible tried to cover up what they had done by burning Mr Leiper’s body.

"It was left in the park opposite a children’s play area and in view of nearby homes.

“These men will now face the consequences of their actions.

“Incidents like this are rare and it took a considerable amount of investigation work to bring them to court. I would like to thank members of the public who assisted officers with their enquiries.”

Glasgow Times: William LeiperWilliam Leiper (Image: William Leiper (Image: Police Scotland))

Prosecutor Derick Nelson said further information about the crimes will be heard at a later hearing.

Mr Nelson also told the court: "Those pleas are acceptable to the Crown. 

"In respect of (McPhie and O'Reilly), I move for sentence and tender schedules of (previous) convictions."

Lord Young adjourned the case and remanded both McPhie and O'Reilly in custody.