TWO men are on trial accused of stalking their ex-neighbour by playing loud music and making false allegations about her.

Partners Paul McGowan, 40, and Paul Nelson, 61, allegedly engaged in a course of conduct which caused Francis Nixon fear or alarm.

The incidents are claimed to have taken place in Glasgow's Jordanhill between April 2012 and May 2016.

The pair are said to have made repeated remarks about Miss Nixon to members of the Glasgow Housing Association.

They are stated to have communicated by social media that Miss Nixon engaged in anti-social behaviour when they knew this was untrue.

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Court papers state McGowan and Nelson also played music at an excessive volume then attempted to burn down her washing line.

Allegations further claim they recorded images and audio of Miss Nixon and her family.

The pair are accused of listening to her conversations by means unknown to the prosecutor.

Further allegations include encouraging their dogs to urinate and defecate at her property and throwing water over her.

McGowan and Nelson are said to have instructed unknown people to attend at her church and home pretending to be interested in items she was selling.

McGowan faces a separate stalking charge of carrying out similar actions on another neighbour Julie McDonald in the city's Knightswood.

He is said to have made further false claims to Glasgow Housing Association about her.

McGowan also allegedly recorded video and audio of her and her family as well as placed a microphone close to her home.

Retired constable Dougie Duncan, 55, told a jury at Glasgow Sheriff Court that he was the reporting officer for the case.

He stated that McGowan and Nelson made noise and anti-social behaviour complaints against Miss McDonald.

Mr Duncan claimed that two of a total of 47 reports between August 2017 and 2019 required police action.

The witness said these resulted in two police warnings for Miss McDonald.

The first incident was for her playing loud music during her birthday party.

The other was for shouting and swearing at the men after they recorded her.

Mr Duncan stated that Miss McDonald was co-operative with his investigation.

The witness told the court that he learned that the men had been evicted from their previous home in Jordanhill where they stayed above Miss Nixon.

Mr Duncan claimed that he spoke to Miss Nixon about her experiences with Mr McGowan and Mr Nelson.

He stated that there were similarities in the accounts made by both women towards the two men.

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Prosecutor Carrie Stevens asked what they were.

Mr Duncan replied: "In general terms, both had been neighbours of Mr Nelson and Mr McGowan.

"Each time, after they became neighbours, there was a period of calm for the first couple of months.

"This was followed by multiple complaints to housing associations and various authorities about anti-social behaviour and noise complaints.

"There were signs that both women were under the belief that they were being recorded by audio and video by the men."

Miss Stevens asked the witness what his conclusions were after gathering all of his information.

He stated: "I reached the conclusion that the two men had embarked on a course of conduct which lasted for years which amounted to threats, intimidation and behaviour that placed the women in a state of fear and alarm."

The witness claimed that Mr McGowan and Mr Nelson’s property was searched after a warrant was granted. 

It was noted that CCTV equipment was outside the building as well as the hallway.

Mr Duncan stated that officers recovered a microphone in a cupboard behind jackets.

He said: “It was directly through the ceiling space which would have gone under the floorboards of Miss McDonald’s address.” 

The witness stated that he believed the microphone was for “the sole purpose of recording the neighbour upstairs".

Paul Mullen, defending McGowan, asked if any complaints were made by Miss McDonald about both of the men which he replied: “There was not.”

The lawyer put it to the witness that McGowan had reported to him that he was subjected to homophobia by his neighbour.

Mr Duncan stated that this could not be corroborated and he “did not see evidence of that".

McGowan and Nelson are further charged with behaving in a threatening or abusive manner towards housing officer Basharat Sadiq by making audio recordings as well as uttering threatening and insulting comments to him.

They are further said to have behaved in an inappropriate manner towards social worker Helen Buckner during the execution of her duty by offering her alcohol.

Housing officer Clare Scott was also allegedly offered alcohol and flowers were sent to her by the men.

McGowan and Nelson, now of the city's Maryhill, deny the six charges.

The trial continues on Thursday before Sheriff Gerard Considine.