A KIND-HEARTED woman has told of her mission to raise funds for the Beatson Wellbeing Centre in memory of her mum.

Amanda Malcolmson was left devastated after her beloved mum Susan passed away in November just four weeks after she was diagnosed with cancer.

Glasgow Times: Amanda's mum Susan Malcolmson sadly passed away in NovemberAmanda's mum Susan Malcolmson sadly passed away in November (Image: Amanda Malcolmson)

The 53-year-old said the diagnosis came as a shock to the family.

Amanda said: “My mum was only told in October that she had cancer and she passed away in November.

“She had been to hospital countless times and was eventually diagnosed and it was just everywhere.

“She went for two operations and after the first, they said they’d found a wee bit of cancer and then after the second they told us she would need to go to the Beatson Cancer Centre at Gartnavel.

“It was a big shock to us and I’m still trying to get over it to be honest.”

Amanda explained that whilst her mum, from Scotstoun, was staying at the Beatson Centre she received treatment from the charity’s Wellbeing Centre.

This is a unique space designed to give patients time away from the wards and clinics.

Amanda, who lives in Old Kilpatrick, said her mum loved this treatment and that it made her feel very relaxed during what was an incredibly difficult time.

She added: “There’s a place called the Beatson Wellbeing Centre and for £25 patients can relax and get pampered.

“My mum had that treatment and they closed the curtains and played soft music. She was so relaxed that she actually fell asleep.

“When we went back up to visit that night she said she loved the massage. So, I thought if I raise any money that’s where I’m donating it to.

“My mum was in a ward with three other people and they all said it’s just brilliant.

"One woman said she gets the treatment every week because of the difference it makes.”

Amanda hopes to raise between £3000 and £4000 to ensure as many people as possible can access the service as she knows how beneficial it can be.

She explained that she has already raised £900 through selling football cards and hosting raffles and has now set up a GoFundMe page for anyone who is able to donate.

The Old Kilpatrick resident hopes to donate the funds on June 10, the day after her mum’s birthday.

She said: “The staff at the Beatson couldn’t have done any more for my mum, I don’t know how they do it.

“They are so lovely. My mum’s birthday is coming up in June and this is her first birthday since she passed so I’d like to do something for her.

“I work in Sainsbury’s on Crow Road in Glasgow and a regular customer came in and kindly gave us eight t-shirts.

“Eight of the girls from the store are going to wear these and go out in Partick on May 20 with buckets to help raise money for the Beatson.

“I’m hoping to hand all the money in on June 10.”

Those able to donate to Amanda’s fundraiser can do so HERE.