One of Scotland’s leading ladies in business and philanthropy has passed away peacefully leaving an indelible mark of service to her community and a legacy of support to local charities.

Tributes are being paid to May Storrie CBE, 78, who died peacefully with her family beside her on May 21 2023 at Glasgow’s Marie Curie Hospice – a centre she, alongside her late husband Donald, were instrumental in helping establish.

The couple helped raise £16m through the Big Build Appeal to ensure the vision for the hospice became a reality, now supporting thousands of patients and families facing terminal illnesses.

Marie Curie Chief Executive Matthew Reed paid tribute to her as a much loved and admired Patron of the charity: “Not only was May a caring and compassionate individual, her two decades’ worth of commitment to our Glasgow hospice and nursing service saw her raise hundreds of thousands of pounds in donations.

"Donald and May’s legacy lives on in the very fabric of our Glasgow hospice building and we are privileged to have been able to care for both of them at the end of their lives.”

Respected and admired widely across a diverse range of business communities and charities in Scotland for her keen mind, intelligence, resilience, hard work and dedication to great community causes, May Storrie leaves a legacy from her dedication to work and service which will benefit many in her home region of Lanarkshire for years to come.

A formidable business woman and effective advocate for charity in and around Glasgow for many decades, after six years serving as a director, May was elected Lord Dean of Guild at The Merchant House, Glasgow and second citizen of Glasgow in 2021. She was the first-ever female Lord Dean to be appointed for over 400 years.

She undertook many civic roles including at COP26 welcoming visitors to the City, leading tributes to the late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and part of the team that welcomed the Princess Royal to Glasgow after her mother’s passing.

May Storrie will be deeply missed by her loving family; her two sons Stuart and Grahame, her grandsons Jack and Bruce, her daughter-in-law Kathryn, and her wider family and multiple groups of close friends and trusted colleagues.

A celebration of May’s life will be held at 11am Saturday 3rd June at Orchardhill Parish Church, Giffnock G46 6JR and all are welcome. Any donations in memory of May Storrie can be made to Marie Curie.