Govanhill residents have accused the council of creating “third-world living conditions” after they failed to empty bins.

They say the local authority's cleansing staff took over two weeks to collect bins with rats, seagulls and maggots building up due to the incident on Allison Street.

Despite several e-mails and messages to the council with chief executive Annemarie O’Donnell also contacted, resident Michael Christie had no assurances that the issue was going to be resolved.

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And after a week of no reply, the 41-year-old claims the council had left the flat’s backcourt in undesirable conditions.

He said: “I was absolutely terrified to go anywhere near the back door due to the seagulls and rats.

“The mess they made by tearing up all the bin bags and causing food to go everywhere attracted rats and mice.

“It left our back garden in a worse condition than anything I had seen, it was third-world conditions we were left with

"Not only has the rubbish piled up but the bin lids are broken which causes many insects and maggots to build up when seagulls pick stuff out of the bins."

He added: “I contacted the council after they hadn’t collected the bins to find out when it would be resolved.

“I got a response from them saying my issue was passed on, however, I heard nothing since.

“Feels like I was fobbed by them and just left to deal with it whenever they wanted.

“The relationship I had with them is severely broken.”

Glasgow Times: The duo have been vocal about the state their back court was left inThe duo have been vocal about the state their back court was left in (Image: Colin Mearns)

Glasgow Times: Seagulls have been ripping the bin bags in the bins due to the lid being brokenSeagulls have been ripping the bin bags in the bins due to the lid being broken (Image: Colin Mearns)

Glasgow City Council insist it the maintenance of backcourt areas is a matter for the residents and owners or their factors. The bins, however, were last emptied on June 3, with the next collection scheduled for June, 11 - eight days later, however, that collection never came. The Glasgow Times understands the bins were eventually collected on Monday. 

Residents on the bottom floor, closest to the bins, have reportedly seen rats and mice get into the building which has caused panic among those who live there.

And neighbour Rosie Mohammad is disgusted with how the residents in the flat have all been treated as she explains how she can't open her windows.

She said: “I couldn't open my window at the back of the building due to the smell.

“It is not a nice way to live, it is horrible.

“This doesn’t feel like my home anymore and it is in the worst state than it ever has in the 11 years I’ve lived here.”

A council spokesperson said: “Bin collections can be missed due to a range of reasons, with difficulties accessing bin courts and service lanes a common issue.

“We fully accept a missed bin collection can cause inconvenience and we always look to rectify a missed collection as soon as possible.

“The maintenance of backcourts areas is a matter for the residents and owners or their factors.”