A cruel Wishaw carer attacked a vulnerable man and put him to bed covered in faeces.

Steven Mcateer has been struck off the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) register for his actions while employed as a Care Assistant.

It comes after he pushed a service user, known as AA, and put his hands around his neck leaving the man bruised.

He then said “don’t you dare try to hit me again” or words to that effect.

Mcateer also called AA insulting names like ‘dirty b******’ and placed him in bed without cleaning faeces from him.

The incidents happened in 2022 between March 18 and 21 while providing personal care to the service user.

Mcateer has since failed to show insight, regret, or remorse for the behaviour.

Now he has been removed from the care register after his actions were branded “serious, neglectful, and abusive”.

A report from the SSSC said: “Your behaviour sits at the higher end of the scale in terms of seriousness.

“You have behaved in a way that caused physical harm to a service user and emotional and/or psychological harm to service users in a place where they should feel safe and cared for.

“Your practice was abusive and neglectful to vulnerable service users where they have a right to be protected from harm by social service workers.

“Your behaviour falls well below the standards expected of social service workers and incompatible with professional registration.

“The behaviour was not an isolated incident and there is a high risk that you would repeat this type of behaviour in the future if you were to continue to work in the sector.

“Your behaviour demonstrated a pattern of behaviour in which you placed vulnerable service users at a serious risk of harm.

“Your behaviour was a breach of the trust placed in you by your employer and service users.

“The SSSC believes that you present an ongoing public protection risk because of the values issue that your behaviour represents.”