A THUG left a stranger blinded in one eye after a brutal unprovoked attack.

Steven Campbell, 27, was captured on CCTV pouncing on Steven Donnelly as he stood outside a supermarket in Glasgow city centre on July 2, 2022.

Drunken Campbell wrongly believed the 42-year-old victim had been involved in an assault on him and his friend during an Orange Walk parade that day.

Mr Donnelly was left so badly hurt that he had to have his right eye removed weeks later.

Campbell struck having earlier that year knocked another stranger unconscious following a Rangers and Celtic match.

Campbell - who had been freed early from jail - was only caught in November 2022 after a media appeal to trace him.

He is now back behind bars after he today pleaded guilty to what a judge described as "sheer thuggery".

The High Court in Glasgow heard how victim Mr Donnelly had attended the Orange Walk and was later standing outside a Sainsbury's supermarket in the city's Argyle Street trying to contact a friend.

CCTV footage showed the man - wearing a Rangers top - looking at his phone unaware of Campbell suddenly approaching.

Prosecutor Jennifer Cameron said: "They were not known to each other and [the assault] appears entirely unprovoked.

"Campbell, while under the influence, approached and immediately punched him to the face causing him to fall."

The stricken victim tried to get up as the thug continued the attack.

He eventually escaped as witnesses rushed to his aid. Campbell meantime fled the scene.

The court heard Mr Donnelly had a large "indent" around his right eye which was bleeding heavily.

He was then rushed to hospital for treatment.

The eye was found to be completely "ruptured" and attempts were made to repair it. As weeks passed, no sight returned.

Miss Cameron said: "Following a [medical] consultation and the only means to alleviate the pain and discomfort, Steven Donnelly decided to proceed to an operation to remove his right eye."

The surgery took place in mid-August 2022. A medic concluded the injuries sustained as a result of the assault caused him to lose his eye.

By this time, Campbell was already wanted for another attack at the city's Buchanan Street bus station on April 3, 2022.

David Chisholm had been returning home having been at the Rangers and Celtic match at Ibrox that day.

The 67-year-old had been chatting to others when Campbell staggered up and an argument broke out.

Campbell's sister initially pulled him away, but he soon stormed back up to the group.

He then had a disagreement with a woman before Mr Chisholm stepped in.

Miss Cameron said: "Mr Chisholm and Campbell confronted each other.

"He headbutted Campbell, who responded by punching him causing him to fall to the ground rendering him unconscious."

Mr Chisholm ended up in hospital with early fears he may have suffered a traumatic brain injury. He received treatment for a wound to the back of his head.

A media appeal was launched in August 2022 with photographs released of Campbell. He was arrested on a warrant months later having been identified.

Campbell today admitted assaulting Mr Donnelly to his severe injury as well as to his permanent disfigurement and impairment.

An accusation the offence was aggravated by "religious prejudice" was deleted from the charge.

Campbell further pleaded guilty to assaulting Mr Chisholm to his severe injury and disfigurement on the basis the attack was under provocation.

In connection with the incident with Mr Donnelly, defence advocate David Nicolson said Campbell claimed he and a friend had been attacked "by persons who objected to them walking through the parade".

Mr Nicolson said: "He, for what it is worth, believed that the person primarily responsible for that assault was Mr Donnelly.

"It was a person who matched the description of Mr Donnelly."

But, judge Lord Mulholland pointed out: "It is an Orange Walk. Plenty of people would have on the type of top [Mr Donnelly] was wearing."

Prosecutors said the Crown position was Mr Donnelly was not part of any assault although it was accepted Campbell may have been under the "misapprehension" that he was.

Campbell was remanded in custody as sentencing was deferred until September 28 in Edinburgh.

Lord Mulholland: "It is sheer thuggery that I have just watched. You will pay a heavy price for this."