CCTV monitoring staff in Glasgow are to be cut leading to union claims safety is being put at risk.

The staff who monitor CCTV in real time are being reduced from 18 to nine and cameras not fully monitored 24 hours a day.

Councillors approved the decision, which was part of the city’s overall budget, earlier this year when £50 million of cuts were made.

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The cuts are being phased in beginning this week.

According to the GMB union, the decision could delay emergency response times, and it is concerned it was being put in place days before the first Old Firm match of the season when there is potential for police to be busy with incidents.

Rangers take on Celtic at Ibrox on Sunday, with tens of thousands of Rangers fans travelling to the match and fans of both clubs are expected to watch the match in pubs around the city.

Glasgow Times:

Keir Greenaway, GMB senior organiser in public services, said: “The potential implications of these cuts are obvious and potentially life-threatening.

“The ability of trained staff to expertly monitor and immediately respond to events unfolding on CCTV is crucial for the emergency services.

“Now, to save money, that life-saving ability to respond urgently with real-time information on the unfolding situation will be lost.

“The council should look again at these cuts and ensure the people of Glasgow are properly protected.”

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The union added the cut to staffing will also mean the network of shops, restaurants, pubs and clubs with CCTV will no longer be able to use the radio network to flag potential and ongoing emergencies to staff around the clock.

The council said there were no compulsory redundancies in the process and the staff numbers were reduced through voluntary redundancies and retirements.

A Glasgow City Council spokesperson, said: “The public can be assured that Glasgow’s CCTV cameras will continue to record 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

“We continue to work closely with partner agencies and our resources will be targeted at the busiest times.”