A THUG left two footprints on a man's head after knocking him unconscious for five minutes.

Shey Dobson, 22, brutally attacked his ex-partner Lauren Lamont's boyfriend Calvin McCreadie in Glasgow city centre on July 6 2023.

Mr McCreadie was pushed to the ground before being punched and kicked to the head.

He lay motionless on the ground while injured partner Ms Lamont - who was also assaulted by Dobson - clung on to his body in tears.

Mr McCreadie was found to have suffered a threat to his life with a bleed to the brain and a fractured skull.

Dobson pleaded guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to assaulting Mr McCreadie to his severe injury, permanent disfigurement and danger of life.

He also admitted assaulting Miss Lamont to her injury and permanent disfigurement.

The court heard that Dobson and Ms Lamont had previously been in an on-off relationship for a year.

Miss Lamont had been with Mr McCreadie for seven months at the time of the attack.

The pair had been on a night out for a friend's birthday party when they came across Dobson near Bath Street.

Dobson asked Mr McCreadie if he was in a relationship with Ms Lamont and he said yes.

Ms Lamont argued with Dobson and attempted to hit him.

Prosecutor Katie Bell said: "At this point, Dobson tackled Mr McCreadie, causing him to fall backwards and strike his head on the ground. 

"Dobson began repeatedly punching him on the head while he was on the ground. 

"Miss Lamont made several attempts to try and intervene and stop the assault on her partner. 

"Dobson stamped and kicked Mr McCreadie's head and neck, rendering him unconscious."

Ms Lamont intervened to push Dobson away but she was punched on the face and pushed against a railing.

Ms Bell added: "Miss Lamont chased after him, but when she caught up with him Dobson grabbed her and threw her to the ground, kicking her on the head three times before making off.

"Mr McCreadie remained unconscious for several minutes.

"Ms Lamont repeatedly tried to wake him up with no success."

The court viewed CCTV of the incident and its aftermath where Ms Lamont was visibly emotional beside Mr McCreadie.

Ms Bell stated that the footage ended in Mr McCreadie regaining consciousness after five minutes.

The pair were taken to hospital by ambulance.

Ms Bell said: "Mr McCreadie underwent a CT scan which showed he had footprints on both side of his head, had sustained a fracture to the rear of his skull and had a bleed on the brain. 

"It was confirmed that there was a threat to life he was admitted to a ward under 48 hours observation. 

"He did not require further medical intervention and the injuries healed by themselves."

Ms Lamont meantime had a wound to her cheek closed with stiches and has been left with a scar and a sight dent on her face.

David Hall, defending, told the court: "He has a record for violence - this is clearly a serious matter.

"The custodial threshold is clearly met - he accepts his behaviour on the night in question was out of order."

Sentence was deferred pending background reports by Sheriff Gerard Bonnar.

Dobson, who appeared from custody, had his remand continued meantime.