Clydebank's Provost says he is "determined" to deliver an "ambitious masterplan" to Bankies after the town was given a £20million funding boost.

Provost Douglas McAllister welcomed the news that UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was giving seven towns in Scotland an equal share of £140m investment as part of his Levelling Up fund.

Clydebank was selected as one of the seven areas which will get £20m.

The funding will go directly to West Dunbartonshire Council over a ten-year period but can only be spent on Clydebank and Provost McAllister insists natives will soon see a difference to their town centre.

He told the Glasgow Times: "This is fantastic news for my home town of Clydebank.

"As a local politician who actually lives in our town, I am well aware of our priorities.

"This funding will be used by my Labour Council to revive our town centre, tackle anti-social behaviour, improve our local transport and help grow our local economy.

"The £20 million means we can now deliver on our ambitious masterplan for our town."

Mr Sunak made the announcement ahead of the Conservative party conference in Manchester.

The prime minister said the 10-year deal would put "funding in the hands of local people" to improve communities.

But Mr McAllister explained that it was about time for the "much-needed" money to be put into Clydebank after over a decade of being "left behind".

He continued: "I am determined that this money is spent to the benefit of the people of Clydebank and that local residents will see and feel the impact of this investment.

"I am pleased that the funding will come directly to our council and not be swallowed up by the Scottish Government.

"Make no mistake, this money is much needed to continue the redevelopment of Clydebank.

"My Labour Council took over the Clydebank Rebuilt property and used them for the benefit of local people.

"We also unlocked the Queens Quay site to new public infrastructure such as the leisure centre, the new care home, the health centre, the college and District Heating Centre.

"However, the rest of our town cannot be left behind. The area in and around our shopping centre and the transport network desperately needs an upgrade.

"We are beginning to feel the full effect of 13 years of Tory austerity and 16 years of a failed SNP Scottish Government, public services and infrastructure are on their knees.

"The Scottish Government are determined to starve local councils of much-needed finances and this year will see the SNP slash our funding again.

"Therefore this news is an incredible boost for Clydebank.

"However, it doesn’t make up for 16 years of savage cuts in local council funding since the SNP took power in 2007.

"We need change that only a Labour Government can deliver to provide sustainable long-term funding for Councils not sticking plaster politics from the Tories.

"However, I will ensure that the UK’s £20 million for Clydebank will help grow our ambitions.”

The other six Scottish towns are Coatbridge, Dumfries, Elgin, Greenock, Irvine and Kilmarnock, each also receiving £20 million.

Fifty-five towns across the UK will receive this support.