A schoolgirl is preparing to wave goodbye to her long locks for a good cause in memory of her gran.

Eight-year-old Emma Watson, from Erskine, has decided to donate over 10 inches of her hair to the Little Princess Trust, which provides real hair wigs free of charge to children and young people who have lost their own hair due to cancer treatment and other illnesses.

Emma and her brother Christopher, seven, have also been raising funds for the charity in memory of their gran Patricia Beattie, who died from kidney cancer in October 2021 at the age of 73.

While undergoing chemotherapy treatment, Patricia was happy to give her granddaughter the chance to try on her wig.

Emma's mum Gillian Beattie said that this bittersweet memory served as the inspiration behind her daughter donating her own hair to the Little Princess Trust.

Glasgow Times: Emma Watson with her brother ChristopherEmma Watson with her brother Christopher (Image: Ant Flett)

She told The Glasgow Times: "From a child's point of view, it was quite difficult because they were seeing my mum go through that journey of losing her hair and everything else.

"But they were really good with her and putting on her wig became quite a good way of helping deal with what happens when somebody is ill."

Emma's haircut is set to take place at Uber Indulge, in Bishopton, on the afternoon of Tuesday, October 24.

Christopher assigned himself the title of "project manager" for the fundraising side of the initiative, which involved helping his mum set up a JustGiving page and getting family members involved.

The Rashielea Primary pupils also recently shared the story behind their charitable acts with fellow classmates during one of the school's assemblies.

So far, Emma and Christopher have raised £330 for the Little Princess Trust – smashing their original fundraising target of £100.

Gillian said: "They are absolutely chuffed because this is the first time they have fundraised in this way and they are really excited to have raised so much.

"I am really proud of the fact that they are doing this at such a young age, as I just think it's so important for them to understand that not everybody is as fortunate as they are.

"It's just lovely."

To support the fundraising efforts of Emma and Christopher, visit bit.ly/3MdUdop.