Plans to improve access to public toilets in Glasgow will be progressed, after councillors backed a call to increase awareness of available facilities.

Opening hours and signs at public sites will be reviewed and grants for organisations which provide access to toilets will be explored.

Officials will also carry out a mapping exercise on public toilet provision, and work with Glasgow Life, community venues, transport providers and businesses to raise awareness of toilet locations.

It comes after Cllr Holly Bruce, Greens, secured support for a composite SNP/Green motion, amended by Labour, which stated the availability of toilets is an equality and public health issue.

Cllr Bruce said: “Each and every one of us requires the use of a toilet every day. It’s a daily occurrence that is non-negotiable.  “As a woman, who enjoys utilising our parks, who cycles and uses public transport, this simple act can become burdensome, especially when I’m on my period.

“We can’t forget that the lack of provision or the lack of awareness of provision is rooted in inequality.  “Women, disabled people, parents, pregnant folks, people with underlying health conditions feel the lack of public toilets more acutely and require more frequent and accessible use of a toilet.”

Cllr Bruce thanked Patricia Fort, who previously presented a petition calling for more public toilets to the council, for her efforts. Ms Fort, who attended the council meeting on Thursday, amassed over 1,300 signatures.

The Green councillor said the motion aimed to “dig into where the council has a lack of provision as well as utilising existing provision”

The council will now explore the development of a Comfort Scheme small grants fund, similar to Highland Council, where a contribution towards toilet running costs is given to any firm or organisation which signs up as a provider.

Cllr Dan Hutchison, Greens, said he has received reports of “gardens, parks, back lanes” being used by people who can’t access a public toilet.

He added this issue can be fixed by providing citizens with an “accessible, safe and clean toilet”.