A WOMAN who was caught drink driving and with no insurance has been banned from the roads.

Gillian Hall, 60, appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court for sentencing after previously admitting to driving a car after consuming alcohol.

On September 20, 2022, cops were on Millhouse Drive when they pulled up behind a silver Nissan car.

Officers carried out a PNC check which showed there was no insurance policy in place.

They activated their blue lights and indicated the driver – which was Hall – to stop.

When speaking with Hall, cops could smell alcohol from her.

She was arrested and taken to Clydebank police station – where she provided a sample of urine which was sent for analysis.

It later came back with a positive result.

Hall made no reply to caution and charge.

At the sentencing hearing, Sheriff Patricia Pryce told Hall’s lawyer: “I assume your client is aware she will be facing a lengthy ban and custody given her record.”

The defence solicitor replied: “She doesn’t plan on driving again. She is aware of the seriousness of her actions.

“She is aware all options are open to the court and accepts responsibility for her actions. She has an alcohol addiction.”

But the sheriff replied: “Alcohol addiction has got nothing to do with having not insurance.”

The lawyer revealed her client was previously employed in a “very stressful job”, and is currently running her own business.

He added: “She has not been in custody before”.

Sheriff Pryce replied: “If she continues like this she will be.”

The sheriff addressed Hall and said: “You understand you are facing custody today. This isn’t the first time you’ve been before the court for serious driving matters.

“You put yourself and members of the public at risk. If you appear before the court again you will be sent to custody.”

Hall was ordered to be under social work supervision for 15 months and carry out 225 hours of unpaid work within nine months.

She was banned from driving for 40 months.