MISSILE-throwing yobs have struck again on a danger bus route after owners ended a controversial ban on late-night services.

McGill’s rerouted in and out of the Auchenback housing estate in Barrhead in late October because of violence involving local teenagers.

The bus giant then resumed services after police carried out extra evening patrols in the local area.

However last weekend one of its buses was targeted again when a rock was thrown through the window of the number three service as it passed along the town’s Main Street on its way to Auchenback from Paisley.

The incident happened around 6.20pm on Saturday and the coach which was carrying 25 passengers was taken out of service due to the smashed glass.

McGill’s says no one was injured in the incident and police were notified.

In the previous incidents last month several buses were ambushed by local youths throwing missiles including bricks and stones.

Windows were also smashed and the safety of drivers and passengers put at risk.

A night-time ban was ordered by Ralph Roberts, CEO of McGill’s, on October 29.

He said: “We were left with no choice but to reroute our 51, 51A and 3 services over a number of nights in late October but after discussions with Police Scotland and other local stakeholders, we made the decision to restore services within a couple of days and then monitor what happened.

“Unfortunately, there has been one further recent incident in Barrhead and whilst we have chosen not to amend services at this point, we will act again if required to do so to ensure the safety of our staff and passengers.

“These services are vital to the public and when we are forced to withdraw or reroute it is not a decision we take lightly. 

“Those who are most affected are our customers who have done nothing wrong and are penalised by the actions of a mindless minority.

“We continue to remain vigilant and we are keeping in close contact with police to ensure buses are able to run as they should moving forward.”

The services affected by the previous ban ran between 5pm and 5am each day.

The ban prompted Scottish Labour MSP Paul O’Kane to write to the Scottish Government over growing anti-social behaviour in the town.

Staff and customers had been threatened by children at the local ASDA and other businesses on Main Street.