A FEMALE thug who knocked a woman unconscious and hurled homophobic abuse at an officer in a gay nightclub has avoided jail.

Amy Montgomery, 28, pounced on Aimee Henderson at Glasgow city centre's AXM on February 6, 2022.

Miss Henderson had intervened after Montgomery clawed a chunk out of friend Kirstin Breslin's hair.

Montgomery and Miss Henderson fell to the ground during a struggle before the attacker kicked her victim to the head.

Montgomery later spat at and shouted "You p**fy b******" to a constable before being restrained by four police officers.

The mum-of-three, of Barrhead, claimed the incident took place on her first night out after having a child.

Montgomery pleaded guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to assaulting Miss Henderson to her injury.

She also admitted an assault on Miss Breslin to her injury and disfigurement as well as behaving in a threatening or abusive manner.

Sheriff Barry Divers fined Montgomery £360 and tagged her for 328 days keeping her indoors between 7pm and 7am.

The court heard the two victims were moving from one end of the nightclub to another when they were approached.

Prosecutor Jessica McGowan said: "Montgomery lunged towards Miss Breslin and seized her by the hair.

"She then pulled her to the ground."

A "significant chunk" of her hair was pulled by Montgomery which has caused Miss Breslin difficulty in regrowing it.

She has since visited experts in hair regrowth. The incident has caused her to be anxious and worried when going out.

Miss McGowan went on to tell the court that Miss Henderson intervened to calm Montgomery down.

The pair ended up in a struggle and fell to the ground while face to face.

Miss McGowan added: "As Montgomery was being pulled off Miss Henderson, she kicked her to the head while she was lying on the ground.

"As a result, Miss Henderson lost consciousness for 60 seconds."

Miss Henderson also suffered an injury to her bottom lip.

Montgomery meantime became abusive stating: "F***ing p***k, "F***ing a*******."

Police attended and Montgomery shouted the homophobic comment and spat at PC Gordon Stormont's face with the spit landing on his skin and hat.

She was restrained by four police officers.

James Arrol, defending, told the court: "She realises this is a serious matter – she is a single parent.

"The circumstances of this offence occurred on the first evening that she had out following the birth of one of her children."