A teenage girl claims being world champ kickboxer helps her thrive as electrician.

Brooke Reeves is proud to be challenging female stereotypes as she is “used to making space” for herself in male dominated industries.

The 19-year-old recently took home the world champion titles for K-1 Light 19-25 year division, and Low Kick Light 19–36-year division at the Open World Championships 2023.

Now she is also pushing the boundaries within the construction industry as she takes on her second year as an apprentice electrician with leading Glasgow based construction firm, City Building.

Brooke explained how kickboxing helped her confidence in her college course by giving her the right “attitude”.

Glasgow Times: Brooke is smashing stereotypes Brooke is smashing stereotypes (Image: Sourced)

She said: “When I first started competing, there were hardly any other girls involved.

“I used to get nervous about fighting against boys in my weight class, but my mum always reminded me that if I’m able to take on my older brothers sparring around the house, I can absolutely take on the boys in the ring.

“I think this attitude has been a reason that I’ve been able to thrive as an apprentice electrician.

“Although the construction industry is changing and the gender balance is levelling out, there is still only one other girl with me on the course at the moment.

“That doesn’t bother me, I’m used to making space for myself in a male dominated industry.

“I think finding out that I’m a world champion kickboxer has challenged some perceptions held by others on the course.

"I’m proud to be part of the change happening in the construction industry and representing women.”

Her employment at City Building comes after successfully completing a year-long Electrical Engineering course at Glasgow Clyde College.

Glasgow Times: “I’m used to making space for myself in a male dominated industry.”“I’m used to making space for myself in a male dominated industry.” (Image: Sourced)

On entering the construction industry, Brooke said: “I’ve always been interested in learning a trade.

“My dad’s a tiler, so growing up I got to see the variety that this industry brings.

“I’m someone who likes to get stuck in and get their hands dirty.

“Even as a child, I begged my mum to let me change from dance classes to kickboxing.

“My apprenticeship has been really hands on so far.

“It's a mixture of working on site and at the training college.

“My favourite part has been working in the Repairs and Maintenance division - I liked getting to go out and meet new people on the job.

“A few people were really surprised to see a 19-year-old girl turning up to fix their wiring!”

City Building has committed to providing equal opportunities for women in the construction industry, recently announcing they have increased female participation in further learning opportunities by 66% in the last twelve months.

For any women considering a similar career path, Brooke says: “Just go for it. It’s not just a boy's club anymore and there are plenty of opportunities for women to have long and fulfilling careers in construction.

“City Building is a great environment to learn a trade in.

"Everyone just wants to see you succeed – regardless of gender.

"There are lots of opportunities once you are in to progress yourself through education and training. 

"It’s a great opportunity, young women just need to grab at it.”