Youths who otherwise would not have access to classical dance will got the chance to thanks to a Scottish Ballet project.

The four-week initiative, a collaboration between the Scottish Ballet and Kibble, involved five young people from Kibble, teachers, child and youth workers, and Scottish Ballet staff.

Miki Lee Dale, special programmes manager at Scottish Ballet, said: "Scottish Ballet and Kibble have cultivated an enduring collaboration known as The Close, delving into bespoke projects that harness the transformative power of dance and the arts for the personal development of young individuals at Kibble.

"Our joint efforts focus on expanding their movement vocabulary, providing exploratory tools, and guiding them through creative processes."

The project, entitled The Close provided many of the youths, who have faced adversity, an opportunity to express themselves, explore creativity, develop teamwork and improve confidence.

The programme involved sessions at Tramway, Glasgow, home of Scottish Ballet and the Beacon Arts Centre at Inverclyde.

The group learnt a series of repertoire from Scottish Ballet productions including their latest festive production Cinders. The participants also developed their personal dance routines guided by various themes.

The youths also spent time with Scottish Ballet principal dancers and familiarised themselves with theatre and studio operations.

The programme ended with a dance showcase titled Sharing where the young participants performed various routines that put into practice the skills and knowledge they had gathered.

Dr Jim Gillespie, chief executive officer of Kibble, said the impact of the project on the young people has been profound.

He added: "Through dance, movement and music, The Close enabled young people to explore and convey their emotion, whilst developing confidence and self-belief.

"This, combined with visiting the studios, meeting the dancers and receiving a VIP invitation to the upcoming performance of Cinders made for a truly unforgettable experience.

"I’d like to say a huge thank you to all at Scottish Ballet for helping to create these unique opportunities for young people each year."

For more information on Kibble's initiatives, visit