LNER has started an eight-week public consultation seeking views on the proposal to remove Glasgow Central and Stirling services from its December 2024 timetable.

The consultation, which will review whether the two direct services to and from these stations should be removed, is due to noticeably fewer passengers in recent years.

LNER said this is because customers' travel patterns shifted from business to leisure.

The train operating company said: "LNER recognises the importance of rail services for passengers and that the proposed reductions, however limited, may raise concerns for people in the areas affected.

"The consultation provides an opportunity for people to have their say and for LNER to hear the views of its customers and communities.

"LNER would still call at Stirling as part of its daily service to and from Inverness."

It said some existing services will start and terminate at different stations, and that stations affected are served by other operators.

The public consultation will run from January 22 to March 18, and feedback will be systematically analysed once reviewed.

Passengers can submit their views through email at timetablechanges@lner.co.uk, or at LNER Freepost, RTUH-TUGH-GCLZ, Cramlington, NE23 1WG.

More details can be found at http://tinyurl.com/kjmkndk5.