A city solicitor who suffered a stroke at just 34-year-old is set to undertake a fitness challenge for a cause close to his heart.

Craig Smith, now 44, is participating in the high-intensity Hyrox fitness race at the SEC on Sunday to raise funds for Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland.

When he suffered a stroke at 34, he had a pacemaker installed due to vasovagal blackouts two years later.

He will take on a 1km run followed by a 152kg sled push for 50m, a second 1km run and a farmer’s carry with two 24kg kettle bells for 200m.

Mr Smith said: “If I tell people I’ve had a stroke or a pacemaker I get the reaction of “Oh but you’re so young”.

"People have a certain image of what a stroke survivors or pacemaker recipient looks like. But people can live with these conditions. I’ve been very lucky and I’m very aware with these conditions sometimes it’s the cards you’re dealt.

Glasgow Times: He will take on a 1km run followed by a 152kg sled push for 50m, a second 1km run and a farmer’s

“I’ve got very vivid memories of lying in a hospital bed thinking: “What’s my life going to be like?”

He remembers the slurred speech and weakness on his left side after the stroke, but said that his physical wellness improved considerably within several months.

He also admitted that mental fatigue was still noticeable at work even after 18 months.

Mr Smith said: “10 years on I’m fitter and stronger than I was. My quality of life is a lot better and I’m a lot more active.

“I know there will be someone who is sitting right now in at home or in hospital in their 30s or 40s thinking: “How did I get here?”

"I want them to know - you’re there now but you’re not there forever.”

Mr Smith started training with a personal trainer and successfully completed a Couch to 5k programme after gaining weight during the pandemic.

Louise MacLeod, the community, events and corporate fundraiser for for Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland, said: "Craig’s story is a great example of the importance of looking after yourself when living with a chest, heart or stroke condition.

“Fundraising events like this help us to support the 1 in 5 people across the country who are living with chest, heart and stroke conditions and Long Covid to live their lives to the full.” 

To support Mr Smith’s fundraiser, go to http://tinyurl.com/4vvdrvb4.