A newly formed community council has lodged an objection to the controversial Flamingo Land proposals. 

Balloch and Haldane Community Council's objection highlights the detrimental impact that the proposal would have on local traffic, services, greenspace and businesses.

In a bizarre turn of events, a previous iteration of the community council ran a survey which found local residents opposed Flamingo Land’s plans by a margin of three to one, but the group decided to lodge a letter of support regardless.

They then immediately dissolved, leaving no representation for local residents until the reformation of the community council this month by a group of residents opposed to the mega-resort proposals.

The overall number of objections (more than 80,000) make it by far the most opposed planning proposal in Scottish history, beating the record previously held by the first failed Flamingo Land proposal for Loch Lomond.

The Yorkshire-based developers previously dropped their original plans in 2019 following a campaign led by Ross Greer and the Scottish Greens, which lodged what was then a record 60,000 objections.

While Mr Greer’s campaign has successfully prevented Flamingo Land from trying to build on the ancient woodland at Drumkinnon Wood, their revised proposal would still see development on a huge scale, including more than100 self-catering lodges, two hotels, a waterpark, monorail, 370 parking spaces and more. 

Mr Greer said: “Our record-setting 80,000 objections show how strongly people across Scotland feel about this destructive and totally unacceptable proposal.

“Local opposition in particular is massive. Balloch residents could not be clearer in their rejection of Flamingo Land’s plans. I am delighted that the new Balloch and Haldane Community Council are now able to express the real anger felt by residents after a decade of this threat hanging over their community. Their objection really should be the final nail in the coffin for the application. 

“What Flamingo Land is proposing is far too big, far too destructive and totally out of step with what the community needs. We must protect one of Scotland’s most iconic landscapes and local businesses from these plans.

“Balloch is no place for a mega-resort like this. The fact that they are persevering with the most unpopular planning application in Scottish history speaks volumes about the company’s attitude towards the local community. 

“Flamingo Land bosses have always said that they would halt their proposals if it was clear they were not wanted by the local community. If they want to retain any sense of dignity and good will, they must make good on that promise and walk away now.”

Flamingo Land has been approached for comment.