Fears have been raised about some elderly people being left behind due to lack of skills with smart phones and computers in Glasgow.

But a councillor insists the council is doing all it can to make digital advances easier for older residents to deal with. Measures include making sure services for older people have information on paper and putting up notice boards in GPs and council properties.

Asking a question at a full council meeting yesterday, Labour councillor Robert Mooney said: “Age Scotland have said that over 400,000 elderly people in Scotland are being left behind due to lack of technological skills, and in particular as public services move more and more to online services, elderly people are being left behind.”

Councillor Mooney asked what is being done by the council to “make sure that all council services are accessible for our elderly citizens.”

SNP councillor Chris Cunningham pointed out work includes “expanding online access for older people who currently have no access, developing confidence in using the internet for older people who do have access and offering non online alternatives for digital information and services.”

The convenor for health, care and caring added: “Confidence in the use of digital IT is obviously important.

"In February this year the Helpful Hints with Home Technology Service was established to provide digital support in a friendly, informal and accessible way through libraries and third sector organisations offering advice and training.”

He added: “But of course for some the digital world will remain Terra incognita. "For those older people the council and the health and social care partnership (HSCP) make use of notice boards in health centres and wider council properties to increase awareness of what is available.”

Councillor Cunningham continued: “It remains the case that for older people services, more paper material is produced in order to limit the impact of the widespread digitisation of information on those service users without regular internet access.

“We are living in a period of transition where online is replacing paper. Almost by definition that transition is an imperfect one. But for the council and the HSCP we are doing all we can to make it easier for our citizens and older people to deal with.”