A group of mainly East Renfrewshire Council (ERC) workers have conquered the UK’s highest peak, raising thousands of pounds for a cause close to their hearts in the process.

Glasgow Times:

As we previously reported, the group was inspired to climb Ben Nevis in support of Prostate Cancer Research (PCR) after one of their colleagues, who was diagnosed with the disease, had to retire due to ill health.

Glasgow Times:

They took on the challenge on Friday, May 17 as the sun shone down on their climb up the towering giant which stands at 1,345 metres (4,413 ft) above sea level and is the largest mountain in the British Isles.

Glasgow Times:

Roads worker Andy Shaw told the Barrhead News: “Everything went really well on the day.

“The weather was perfect with 18 of us making it to the summit and raising £3900 for PCR.

“We would also like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to our fund.

“It’s been humbling to see folk giving so much of their hard-earned money.”

Glasgow Times:

Before taking on this challenge, Andy raised nearly £500 by walking 60 miles after work in November which he enjoyed doing as it made him feel good to help out.

Glasgow Times:

A few of his colleagues said that they wished they could do something, too and this led to the idea of getting a group together to do something a bit more challenging and take on Ben Nevis.

Glasgow Times:

“As a group, we are of different ages but have become aware that prostate cancer can strike us at any time," Andy told the Barrhead News at the outset of the challenge. 

The 16 ERC workers involved included 12 roads workers, three parks workers, and one security worker.

Glasgow Times:

A further two individuals taking part were family and friends of the local authority workers.

Glasgow Times:

The group trained for the big event by hiking up various Munros including Ben Lomond, which Andy said was “not bad for a mixed ability group with little hillwalking experience.”

Glasgow Times:

As the majority of those taking part were roads workers, they took stop and go boards with them on their climb as a symbolic gesture to reinforce their slogan of “stop and go get checked for prostate cancer.”

Glasgow Times:

“I’m personally very grateful for the lads who took a day off from their annual leave, travelled to Ben Nevis, bought new boots and other equipment and worked very hard on the day,” added Andy.

“It’s been a great team-building experience and as much as we enjoyed ourselves we also gave a thought to the people who are diagnosed with prostate cancer and hopefully our fundraising will help the research.”

Now they have the fundraising bug, they hope to continue and take on more challenges in future.

To donate click HERE.