Voters shouldn’t feel “bullied” into voting for one of the large parties in the General Election according to Scottish Greens leader, Patrick Harvie.

He said the Scottish Greens will stand a candidate in each of the six Glasgow seats.

The party has one MSP and 11 councillors in Glasgow and is hopeful of a strong showing in some areas.

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Harvie said: “For Glasgow and Edinburgh we are likely to have a complete slate.”

He said the Greens have done well in the west of Glasgow and the south of Glasgow getting high number of first preference votes in council elections.

Glasgow Times:

He added: “Many people feel bullied into voting for one of the bigger parties.

“If people want the transformative green change that is only going to come from voting Green.”

Harvie was launching the Greens election campaign in Buchanan Street, Glasgow.

He took aim at both the SNP and Labour on their environmental record.

He added: "Independence is not an end in itself, it's a means to achieve a fairer, more equal and more sustainable economy for Scotland.

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"A successful, viable economy depends on a liveable environment and with the SNP back trying to face both ways, or actually describing Labour's tepid position on oil and gas as 'too extreme', it's pretty clear that if you want a political party committed to that sustainable vision for Scotland's future, it's the Scottish Greens.

Glasgow Times:

"I suspect if we were in the Bute House Agreement the SNP would not have felt able to describe Labour's proposal as 'too extreme' for example, because that's not a position we could have supported - it was about working together to achieve common ground.

"That's why the SNP had been moving away from their historic support for fossil fuels in recent years.

"It's worrying that it looks like there are early signs they are going to backtrack on that.

"There are communities of all sizes and shapes in Scotland that are trying to put climate action into practice at community level. They need our support, but they also need Government's."

Mr Harvie said the ending of the Bute House agreement that saw the Greens out of government was a concern that policies would be “watered down.”

He added: "I am worried that they are not going to commit to the action on protecting people in the private rented sector without our proper comprehensive system of rent controls.

“We need continued progress on that issue, and in a great many other areas as well."