A GLASGOW secondary school has been praised for its “warm, respectful and purposeful learning environment” after a recent visit by inspectors.

The Education Scotland team said young people and staff at St Mungo’s Academy in the East End “demonstrate the school’s values in all aspects of daily life.”

The school is home to a diverse mix of cultures, and the inspection report noted: “School staff fully support a pupil-led Equalities and Equity Group which promotes cultural diversity awareness through event planning and classroom learning experiences.

Glasgow Times: One of the school's equality and diversity posters

“This helps young people to understand and respect the wide range of cultures represented in St Mungo’s Academy.

"Young people on this group appreciate the way senior leaders empower them to plan and lead activities in the school.”

Glasgow Times: Pupils and staff at St Mungo's Academy

The inspectors also said: “Young people in the school are developing skills and attributes through their participation in a wide range of out of class activities.

“School staff and partners work effectively to promote equity for all. This is allowing more young people to develop confidence and be successful.

“The school supports almost all young people very well to secure positive, sustained destinations as they move on from St Mungo’s Academy.”

Glasgow Times: Pupils and staff at St Mungo's Academy

Some areas for improvement were identified and discussed with the headteacher and a representative from Glasgow City Council.

The inspectors advised: “Senior and middle leaders should continue to work with staff to raise the attainment and achievements of all young people.

“School staff should continue to develop approaches to learning and teaching that support the learning needs of all young people” and “further develop systems to monitor young people’s progress in learning across the school.”

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Councillor Christina Cannon, Glasgow City Council's education convener, said: “I recently had the pleasure of spending a day with the St Mungo’s young people and headteacher as part of my youth road shows across the city.

“They were so engaging and full of ideas and opinions on what they were looking for in their school and what part of the learning and teaching was having an impact on their education.

“So, I am delighted that inspectors have praised and made a special mention of the pupil-led equalities and equity group and how passionate teachers and young people are in celebrating their school’s achievements."