TWO men caught after a £200,000 drugs raid are facing lengthy jail terms.

Iain Gibson, 37, and David Chambers, 34, were held after police swooped at the former's home in Gallowhill, Paisley, on December 17, 2021.

Officers forced entry. No-one was in, but a hydraulic press - often used to help package illegal substances - was found in a bedroom.

Prosecutor Edith Forrest today told the High Court in Glasgow: "During a search, drugs were recovered in various areas including cocaine behind a bath panel."

As well as the cocaine, a haul of cannabis was also seized.

Forensic evidence linked both Gibson and Chambers, of Howwood, to the drugs.

The pair today pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine and cannabis.

Defence lawyers Callum Hiller and Euan Dow had asked for both to remain on bail pending sentencing.

Chambers' advocate Mr Dow said: "He was previously the owner of a tyre company, but it went to the wall due to the Covid outbreak.

"He foolishly became involved in this offence. His involvement was limited - I do not say that to minimize matters - but he was working under the direction of others although not Gibson.

"His behaviour was entirely out of character."

Lady Poole did not lock up Gibson, but remanded Chambers due to him having breached bail in the past.

Sentencing was deferred for reports until next month.