We know that tackling the climate emergency requires action across every part of Glasgow including every workplace.

The experience and skills of trade union members are essential for managing the risks faced from extreme weather events at work as well as improving job prospects.

As we move towards a net zero economy, there is an opportunity to create fair work and support workers’ rights.

We know that workers and trade union representatives are the key to meeting our climate targets and delivering changes to build a fairer and more just society.

It is through the impact of collective bargaining that trade unions have secured better rights and conditions for their members. Workers’ rights should always matter to us. We should be standing up against any proposals that undermine the principles of democratic participation and fair labour practices.

Scottish Greens have been calling for the expansion of the real living wage, and for support to devolve employment law to the Scottish Parliament. We want to deliver positive change for workers by supporting Scotland to become a Fair Work nation by 2025.

We need to support efforts to deliver Fair Work resources across workplaces. This is vital to ensuring training and information are tailored to address the needs of trade union representatives and their wider membership.

Trade union members have to access high standard courses where they achieve recognised qualifications and gain personal development. The provision of training facilities designed for trade union learning is critical.

There has to be a focus on supporting trade union members, and employers to develop and increase access to learning support. This can allow union members to access training for skills development and other opportunities to deliver Fair Work practices.

This involves challenging the proposal by the City of Glasgow College management to close the Trade Union Education Centre effective from the end of June.

The notice of the Centre’s closure was given last week and this is deemed insufficient time for meaningful consultation with the staff and EIS FELA who are the recognised trade union. There are five lecturing staff based at Trade Union Education Centre who are targeted for ‘voluntary severance’.

The City of Glasgow College’s Trade Union Education Centre is recognised as nationally important.

It is central to trade unions securing better rights and conditions for their members. Alongside Fife College, it is a necessary facility to deliver training for the trade union movement across Scotland.

We know that the membership of trade unions is growing. This week, the Office for National Statistics has published new trade union membership statistics which show a membership increase of 90,000 in 2023.

According to the Labour Research Department, the biggest increase was of 2.6 percentage points to 28.8% in Scotland.

Our workplaces, in partnership with the City of Glasgow College, can ensure education and training facilities are provided to undertake the rapid and wide-scale transformation to a decarbonised economy.

We have to ensure that the solutions to the climate crisis are in the interests of workers and communities across Glasgow.”