A MAN who glassed a stranger outside of a nightclub in Glasgow was told he was “lucky” not to have permanently scarred the victim by a sheriff.

Aaron Quinn was standing under a canopy with some friends after leaving Kong in Royal Exchange Square at around 9.30pm on December 22, 2023.

At that time more of the 41-year-old’s friends left the venue and joined him outside.

One of them handed Quinn a champagne flute which he put in his pocket.

A short time later, others also left the nightclub.

One man fell and Quinn laughed at the person’s fall.

Fraser Rowan, who was also outside at the time, then challenged Quinn and an argument broke out.

The pair continued to argue. 

Quinn took the champagne flute from his pocket and struck Mr Rowan on the head.

Police were contacted and on arrival noticed the victim’s injuries.

Quinn was arrested and charged to which he replied “Sorry, I’m really sorry about that”. He was released on an undertaking to appear in court.

The victim was taken to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital where his wounds were cleaned and dressed. He did not require stitches.

Quinn, of Lenzie, appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court on May 30 after pleading guilty to assaulting the man by striking him on the head with a glass to his injury.

Addressing Quinn, Sheriff Patricia Pryce said: “You are a very law-abiding man, a family man, which makes this more surprising.

“It seems to have been a blip fuelled by alcohol. You’re lucky you didn’t permanently scar the person.”

He was sentenced to 160 hours of unpaid work.