Parents are planning to protest about staffing concerns at a Glasgow ASN school.

Newhills Parent Council will put on a demonstration outside of the city chambers today over fears that staff are going to be removed from campus.

The group believes employees are going to be taken out of Newhills School, however this has not been confirmed by Glasgow City Council at this time.

Any cuts to the school would not be due to the council budget savings as no ASL schools are being impacted by teacher reductions or support for learning workers.

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Caz Rae, 49, is one concerned mum who claims she was informed by staff who heard from the headteacher that staff were being removed from the school.

She is now very concerned about sending her 14-year-old son Liam Rae to the school if cuts go ahead.

Caz said: “It is very worrying for safety reasons because the staff are already at capacity, they are under so much pressure.

“We understand that support staff are being removed and health and wellbeing staff.

“My son has Down’s syndrome, autism, and relies on a wheelchair so he needs a lot of help.

"It is an ASN school so most of the pupils do, they can’t afford to lose this because of their needs.

“I would be very anxious about sending my son to the school if these cuts go ahead, a lot of us parents would.

“That is why we are planning the demonstration to stand up against them and stop this.”

READ MORE: Petition to reverse “unacceptable” Glasgow teacher cuts

A Glasgow City Council spokeswoman said: “ASL schools have not been affected by the budget savings in relation to teachers or support for learning workers.

“Our ASL schools are going through the annual staffing exercise matching support staff to the individual needs of each young person and this process is ongoing.

“Therefore, there is no confirmation of a reduction at this time.”