AS A young mum, pushing a pram around Pollok Park, Margaret Anderson admits initially she was aghast by plans to build a museum in the green space she loved so much.

“I was actually quite annoyed when they started building,” says the 79-year-old, with a laugh.

“But little did I know I would develop such a love of the Burrell Collection, and start a volunteering role I am still doing, 40 years later.”

Glasgow Times: Margaret Anderson

Glasgow Life is marking the 40th anniversary of National Volunteers’ Week (June 3 to 9) by celebrating the thousands of people who help the culture and sport charity make a difference to the lives of residents and visitors to the city.

In 2023/24, more than 6000 volunteers, of all ages and abilities and from all backgrounds, gave around 100,000 hours of their time to support the city’s museums, arts and music venues, libraries and sport facilities, as well as events such as Celtic Connections, the UCI Cycling World Championships and World Athletic Indoor Championships.

Glasgow Times: Margaret Anderson

Former history teacher Margaret, who lives on the Southside, has been giving free guided tours at The Burrell Collection since 1984. She also interviews and trains new volunteers and helps shape volunteering policy and procedures at Glasgow’s museums.

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Margaret says: “Over the course of my years volunteering at The Burrell I’ve seen many changes.

"One thing that has remained consistent though, is that as a volunteer guide, you are always learning and gaining new experiences, which is wonderful.

“I love the opportunity of meeting visitors from all over the world and have been amazed at how far some have travelled to Glasgow – sometimes to spend just a day here – with the sole purpose of visiting the museum, as it’s renowned as a world-class attraction."

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She adds: “Showing them around and telling them about the collection is always rewarding.

"It’s fascinating to hear their impressions of the exhibits, and even after all these years, some of the questions they ask can still be new to me.”

Glasgow Life’s head of museums, Duncan Dornan, said: “Margaret is a wonderful asset to The Burrell Collection and the contribution that she has made, and continues to make, is truly remarkable.

“She, and all of the volunteers who support our museums teams, help in so many ways to enhance our cultural offering, enabling all of our venues, to offer an exceptional, welcoming and memorable visitor experience.”