Residents are calling for enhanced safety measures at busy Clarkston Toll roundabout and crossing after a man was hit by a car and later died.

An 86-year-old pedestrian was rushed to hospital on Friday, May 17 after the collision with a Mercedes GLE, before passing away the following Thursday.

Glasgow Times:

In the wake of the tragedy, Carly Grant started a petition last week, which is an open letter to East Renfrewshire Council begging them to take action immediately and save lives.

Glasgow Times:

The Clarkston resident said: “We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned about the safety of pedestrians at the crossing located at the Clarkston Toll roundabout.

“The current conditions pose significant risks to all pedestrians, including children, elderly residents, and individuals with disabilities.”

Glasgow Times:

The specific issues identified in the petition’s letter include the high volume of traffic which “increases the risk of accidents”, poor visibility with insufficient and unclear signage which makes it difficult for both pedestrians and drivers to see the crossing, and non-existent crossing signals.

Glasgow Times:

On the final two points, the letter adds: “There are currently no pedestrian signals and this coupled with a give way on roundabout, leads to confusion and unsafe crossing conditions.

“Despite existing speed limits, vehicles often travel at speeds that endanger pedestrians attempting to cross.”

Glasgow Times:

Previous accidents and a fatality at the location and crossing, which is a main route for local schools, amenities and health services, are also highlighted in the letter.

Carly’s dad, a Clarkston resident for about 18 years, Alan McDowall, who uses the roundabout regularly as both a cyclist and as a driver picking his grandchildren up from school, also backed the call.

Glasgow Times:

He added: “I’ve been cycling for 65 years, I’m very experienced and I teach Bikeability to schoolchildren so I know how to use the road from a cyclist's point of view but that toll totally freaks me out every time.

“It’s the most dangerous road I know to use as a cyclist. You’ve got four major roads coming towards a very small roundabout.

“It has not been built for today’s volume of traffic and was designed away back in the 1960s. The signage on the roundabout is appalling.”

Glasgow Times:

In terms of safety enhancements, the letter urges the council to install traffic lights with pedestrian signals to provide clear, designated crossing times; improve lighting around the crossing area to enhance visibility; and erect clear, visible signage well ahead of the crossing to alert drivers to slow down and prepare to stop for pedestrians.

It also calls for speed bumps or raised crosswalks and the establishment of a schedule of regular monitoring and maintenance to ensure all safety features remain effective and in good condition.

Glasgow Times:

“We believe that these changes will save lives, significantly reduce the risk of accidents and improve safety for all pedestrians,” added Carly.

“Ensuring a safe crossing environment is essential for the well-being of our community.”

Glasgow Times:

An East Renfrewshire Council spokesperson said: “The safety of our residents is a very high priority and we take road safety extremely seriously.

“Our thoughts are with the family of the person involved in the incident at Clarkston Toll at this especially difficult time.

“We will continue to liaise with Police Scotland, who are currently investigating the incident, and the details they provide will assist us to identify any measures which could improve safety at this location.”

To sign the petition click HERE