RESIDENTS in Yoker feel that a slope which runs alongside a footpath has not been properly maintained by Glasgow City Council (GCC).

This is according to some of those who live in the Ellerslie Estate, which runs parallel with the walkway, who insist the route has been "abandoned".

They feel the slope beside the riverside path has become an eyesore and that GCC has taken little care to make the route viable. 

Bill Faerestrand, secretary of the Ellerslie Owners Association, made his frustrations on the situation clear.

Glasgow Times: "I know that between 2015 and 2016 the committee were doing battle with the council to get the riverside area tidied up and had been at it for years before that," he said.

"GCC came out then and stripped the slope bare and then abandoned it to the weeds for the next couple of years.

"The committee at that time was doing battle with the council to do something meaningful with the area and not just abandon it.

"However, the weeds then came back and ever since then, there has been an annual dispute.

"They come along and do the minimum work and then leave it as long as possible."

Bill says the issue of maintenance has been rumbling on for well over a decade and that it is no longer just the visual aspect of the area that is causing problems

This is because it also appears that weeds from the slope are beginning to grow onto the top path at the riverside, which residents are responsible for.

Glasgow Times: And Bill has little faith that the council will improve the landscape.

"It is a core path that is used more by outsiders than local residents because it is a good route for dog walkers, cyclists etc and it is just totally neglected," he continued. 

"Yoker has been left to the dogs. The council do the bare minimum and then they say they are out of funds.

"We are passed from pillar to post and seem to be engaging in a constant game of email ping-pong. 

"Occasionally we get a bit of action from the council but it is the bare minimum.

"The majority of the committee are unhappy with how the council are treating us.

Glasgow Times: "Our councillors do not appear interested in helping us with this problem."

A Glasgow City Council spokesperson said: "Work is ongoing to improve this site but it may take some time for the planting and growing to become fully developed.

“The aim is to create a rich grassland that includes plants and bulbs that will eventually provide a sustainable habitat for a diverse range of species.

“Existing shrubs require to be removed to allow planting to go ahead and the site will not look its best in the meantime.

“However, once complete we hope there will be an attractive space with different textures and seasonal colour which requires minimal maintenance.”