Rishi Sunak has been accused of desperation and deliberate misinformation in his claim that Labour would raise taxes to the tune of £2000 per household.

Anas Sarwar, Scottish Labour leader said the Prime minister was telling lies when he used the line to attack his opponent Keir Starmer in a TV debate.

Sunak said civil servants had costed Labour's spending plans and calculated it to mean £2000 per household in tax rises.

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Starmer said it was nonsense and Sarwar went further on a visit to a Fareshare food poverty deport in Scotstoun in Glasgow.

Sarwar said: “The leaders debate last night where you saw ludicrous claims made by Rishi Sunak around tax changes, deliberate misinformation, a deliberate lie from a desperate individual trying to cling on to power.”

He went on to say the SNP had been making similar claims about privatisation of the NHS under Labour.”

He added: “You've got the SNP doing an outright lie and blatant misinformation, claiming that the NHS is going to be privatised.

“A lie now that they have told year after year after year. And frankly, I think Scots can see right through it.

“That's on one side and you've got the Tories on the other side making a blatant lie around tax rises and working people with a made-up figure.”

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On the policy of raising tax by ending nom domiciled tax status he said it would bring in cash that would help Scotland.

Sarwar added: “We believe that the non-dom tax loophole that we will close will generate for Scotland around £134 million a year and that will be 160,000 (hospital) appointments.

“And when you look at 840,000 people stuck in an NHS waiting list right now, on John Swinney's watch, I think that is a good start in that process for change.”

Sarwar, campaigning with Glasgow West candidate Patricia Ferguson said that the polls were encouraging for Labour in Glasgow but nothing was being taken for granted.

He said polls were: “A test of what's in the air, in the mood, but not a single vote has been cast in this general election campaign.

“So we are keeping our feet firmly on the ground. We're not showing any hint of complacency. “We're the Scottish Labour Party.

“We have no reason to have any complacency given the last 17 years and that's why we're going to continue over the next 28 days until polling day, spending every moment with hard work, humility and energy, trying to earn people's trust and earn their support so we can finally get rid of this rotten Tory government.”