John Swinney says the Tories and Labour are involved in a “conspiracy of silence” over Westminster spending cuts after the General Election.

Speaking during a visit in Glasgow the First Minister is expected to say the Conservatives are focusing of tax cuts at the expense of spending on services and Labour is looking to match the Tories on public spending.

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The two leaders vying to be Prime Minister on July 5, after the election, were this week embroiled in a debate which featured Rishi Sunak accusing the Labour Party of making spending commitments that would cost £2000 per household in tax cuts.

Labour said the reports were rubbish and senior civil servants said the figure should not be attributed to the civil service as Sunak said.

Anas Sarwar accused the Prime Minister of spreading “blatant lies and misinformation”.

Swinney campaigning in Glasgow will tell voters both are hiding the truth that public services will face further spending cuts whoever wins.

Swinney will say: “Public spending is becoming the defining issue of this election.

“After years of Westminster cuts and economic mismanagement, and policy disasters like Brexit, we urgently need to see investment in the services which we all hold dear.
“This campaign is a test of just how much political parties value institutions like our NHS. It’s about the political choices we make, and it’s about the values that we hold.
“And as the election gets closer, it is becoming clear that Labour and the Tories are concealing the true effects of their approach to fiscal policy from the public. They are concealing the huge budget cuts that will be involved.”

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While Income Tax is mostly devolved the spending allocations for services like health and education in England have an impact on Scotland as money, through Barnett Consequentials  is allocated to the Scottish Government based on decisions made for England.
Swinney will say:“The Tories are more interested in cutting taxes for the rich, while quietly abandoning public services to their fate.
“Meanwhile, Labour are dancing to the Tory tune – terrified of doing anything other than matching Conservative tax plans while trying to sound just as tough on spending and borrowing.
“As the Institute for Fiscal Studies have warned, both Labour and the Tories are engaged in a conspiracy of silence about the true scale of tax and spending choices.

“That is deeply damaging for Scotland - and Scotland deserves better. In the real world, the chorus of independent experts warning that the Westminster parties are not being straight with people is becoming deafening.”

He will urge people to vote for his party’s candidates, adding: “After 14 years of Westminster cuts, our public services cannot take any more.”