WASPI pension campaigners deserve justice and compensation according to SNP leader John Swinney, but he said they are being betrayed by the two main UK parties.

The First Minister met women affected by the pension changes, in Glasgow, and called on the next UK Government to deliver on the recommendations of an Ombudsman report that said they should be paid.

The Waspi, Women against state pension inequality, who were born in the 1950s and had their pension age delayed and retirement plans shattered have been fighting for years to be paid for the years they lost out on.

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Swinney said the Tories have ignored them and Labour looks like doing the same.

He said: “After a long campaign for justice, it is becoming clear that the Westminster parties now stand on the brink of a bitter betrayal of the WASPI women.
“For years the Tories have failed to deliver justice and compensation for these women and now - with power in sight - Rachel Reeves and the Labour Party are signalling they will repeat the exact same betrayal.”

Swinney said for years shadow Chancellor, Reeves, has made promises to the Waspi women but now with the opportunity to deliver looming large, is backtracking.

He said: “Betrayed first by the Tories and now betrayed by the Labour Party, the injustice faced by the WASPI women is a telling demonstration of how Westminster treats the victims of its scandals.    
“WASPI women deserve so much better, they deserve full, fair and fast compensation.”

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Earlier this week, Reeves was asked about compensation for Waspi women.

She said: “There are lots of things that a Labour government might like to do, but the state of the public finances and the dire need in our public services means that we won’t be able to do everything that we might like to do.”

She added: “Our manifesto will be published shortly, but I’ve said we won’t put forward anything that is not fully costed and fully-funded and I have not set out any money for this.”