Three pairs of dads and children working alongside each other at an Asda store are being celebrated this Father's Day.

These duos are not only co-workers but close family at Asda Blantyre.

The first pair, Brian Boyle, a 51-year-old senior director, and his son Daniel work together at the store.

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For 18 years, Brian has been part of the Asda family, with Daniel, 19, joining the team two years ago to learn more about the business world while studying economics at university.

Brian said: "I’ve had a career in retail since leaving school and have worked my way up to Retail Senior Director for Asda Central Scotland.

"My son Daniel has always had a keen interest in knowing how business works and has joined me as a colleague in Asda Blantyre while he studies Economics at Glasgow University."

Daniel said: "It really has been great working with my dad, not only does it give me someone to look up to, but it has also provided us with another shared interest.

"When we speak about work, we can really relate and understand each other."

Home shopping driver Colin Russell, 51, who has been at the store for two years, shares his work shifts with his daughter Suzie.

After finishing school she joined her father, who enjoys their friendly work banter.

Another father-son team is the Sanaghans.

Peter, 48, a general merchandising section leader, and his son, also named Peter, work together.

Younger Peter, 18, has been with the store for six months and works not just with his dad but also his mother.

Father Peter said: "Unfortunately, Peter and I don’t cross paths much in work as we often work different days, but my wife works in our general merchandising department as well so she’s the one bossing us around.

"I’ve heard Peter has a surprise for me for Father’s Day, so I’m looking forward to it and spending some quality time with my family this year."