Rishi Sunak has put tax cuts, lower immigration and protection for the state pension at the forefront of his election campaign as he launched the Tories manifesto.

The Prime Minister continued with his claim Labour would increase tax by £2000 per person despite it being debunked by Keir Starmer and the civil service stating it is not their figures.

Sunak said a Conservative government after July 4 would cut National Insurance by 2p in the pound.

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He has put tax at the centre of his campaign as he bids to convince people they will be economically better off with the Tories.

The Conservatives have already cut NI from 13% to 10% last year and then to 8% in March this year.

Sunak said it will be cut by another 2% as he continues the process of eliminating National Insurance for workers.

The National Insurance cut will cost the Treasury £10.3billion by 2030, leading to accusations it will mean massive spending cuts in the public sector.

The Conservative leader said Labour was asking for a ‘blank cheque’ on tax and spending as he also committed the Tories to not raising income tax or VAT.

In the manifesto, the Tories said the plan would mean a tax cut of £1,350 for the average worker earning £35,000.

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He said his tax cuts and pension measures would be funded by reducing spending on welfare.

Sunak sought to put distance between his party and Labour on immigration claiming it will be halved under the Tories.

Under the slogan of Clear Plan, Bold Action, Secure Future, the manifesto commits to removing illegal migrants to Rwanda which it said would be  “relentless” and “continual”.

It also said migrants to the UK would need to take a health check and pay a higher NHS surcharge if they are thought to be a likely burden on the NHS.

On pensions the manifesto pledge is to ensure pensioners do not pay tax on the state pensions.

The triple lock plus policy means the threshold at which pensioners have to pay income tax will rise to ensure the state pension, even when it rises, is never above it.

Labour said there is no money for the tax cuts promised by the Conservatives.

Wes Streeting, shadow health secretary, said: “We are not able to make that commitment today because the money simply isn't there and I think Rishi Sunak should level with people that the money simply isn't there.

"I think he is taking people for fools."