A teenager who knocked someone to the ground and kicked him has been told doing unpaid work as punishment will be easier than being a father.

Reilly Gower appeared in court last week after he breached a previous attempt to give him an alternative to custody for his crime.

On November 19, 2021, acting with others, he assaulted a man on Glasgow's Clyde Walkway, pursuing him, knocking him to the ground and kicking him on the head and body. He was on bail at the time from Glasgow Sheriff Court from just weeks earlier.

He was given a community payback order (CPO) but admitted last month that he was in breach of that.

The 19-year-old's defence solicitor said: "He has had a difficult upbringing to say the least. One of the biggest problems has been trying to obtain a stable address.

"He became a father fairly recently. It's a change of circumstances that will hopefully be for good. He wants to continue to better himself.

"He is only 19 and pretty close to the point in time where if he continues to offend, he will end up in prison."

Gower, previously of Wiltonburn Road, South Nitshill, and now listed at an address in Alexandria, appeared at Dumbarton Sheriff Court on June 11.

Sheriff Clare Arias said she was "really frustrated" reading a report by social workers on Gower.

"You were given a CPO to allow you to move forward and you didn't take that opportunity and that really frustrates me, for you," she said.

"I'm inclined to give you another opportunity. What concerns me is you don't seem to have taken full responsibility or understand the seriousness.

"You're a young adult. You will interact with people you don't like. It happens everywhere. It happens in this courtroom, it happens in the lunchroom - wherever. You have to deal with it."

The sheriff revoked the previous CPO and imposed a new one with 12 months of social work supervision. He must also do 80 hours of unpaid work.

She told him: "It sounds like a lot, but some solicitors around this table will work that in a week. I work that in a week.

"Eighty hours can be done within eight weeks if you focus on it. I hope your child gives you a new focus. It will be more work than the 80 hours."

She added: "Good luck. Enjoy your new child when you get the opportunity."