The Glasgow Times is taking a look at the six constituencies in the city ahead of the General Election.

Glasgow West is a new seat from Partick to Drumchapel taking in Whiteinch, Scotstoun, Garscadden, Knightswood, Jordanhill and Anniesland.

The seat goes from Byres Road in the east, to the boundary with West Dunbartonshire at Great Western Road in the west and from the River Clyde in the south to the boundary with East Dunbartonshire at Bearsden and the Forth and Clyde Canal in the north.

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It includes some wealthier areas, like Jordanhill and Dowanhill and some of the less affluent areas like Drumchapel.

(Image: Electoral Commission)

After boundary changes that saw Glasgow go from seven to six seats Glasgow West is made of mostly the old Glasgow North West and part of Glasgow North.

The election is likely to be a straight contest between the SNP and Labour candidates.

Carol Monaghan was the Glasgow North West MP having won the seat for the SNP from Labour in 2015, and held it in 2017 and 1019.

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She is being challenged by Patricia Ferguson of Scottish Labour, a councillor for the Drumchapel/Anniesland ward and a former MSP for Maryhill and Springburn from 1999 to 2011.

Ferguson was also a Scottish Executive minister for Culture, Tourism and Sport under Jack McConnell from 2003-2007.

The Greens will expect a showing in the eastern end of the seat where they are strongest and the Liberal Democrats and Tories may get support in the Jordanhill and Broomhill areas.

In Scotstoun, the Kingsway Community Connections group works to deliver vital support to people in the area and co-ordinate local activities and events with local groups.

(Image: Gordon Terris)

Members, volunteers and staff spoke to the Glasgow Times about their hopes for the area.

Housing was an issue that people wanted addressed.

Claire, a home carer, said: “Housing stock is in poor quality. Prices for private rents have gone through the roof.

“A lot of flats were demolished and not enough was built to replace them.”

Jobs was another issue.

BAE shipyard at Scotstoun is on the doorstep but people believed most of the workforce comes from outside the area.

Claire said young people were looking for apprenticeships.

She added: “There's not a lot of opportunities here.

(Image: Gordon Terris)

Janice, a sessional worker with KCC, said: “Tesco employs a lot of local staff but not many others do.”

Johnny, a board member, said he is unsure how he will vote and is disillusioned with politicians.

He said: “The majority of people going through these issues are not represented.

“Politicians don’t come enough to engage with communities.

They don’t get the nitty gritty.

“They should swap places with someone who can’t heat their home or feed their children. Then they might understand.”

At Kingsway Community Connections the team run a breakfast club, a lunch club and sessions until 8pm provided a hot meal over winter.

Other activities include litter picks, a community garden, a walking group and yoga and cardio dance sessions.

Lainy Bedingfield, Managing Director said there is a large population in the area where English is not their first language.

(Image: Gordon Terris)

Kingsway is home to many refugees who have settled in Glasgow.

It was also home to a campaign to prevent home office dawn raids and deportations.

She said there was a split of 54% to 46% in favour of “indigenous” Scots using their service.

Lainy added, however: “There is not around 50% of the population who are non-Scots. There is a greater level of need among the non-Scottish population.”


There are seven candidates registered to stand in the election for Glasgow West.

CALDER James   Scottish Liberal Democrats

CORMACK John Scottish Christian Party “Proclaiming Christ’s Lordship”

FERGUSON Patricia Scottish Labour Party

HAMEED Faten Scottish Conservative and Unionist

MONAGHAN Carol Scottish National Party (SNP)

MOORE Dionne Reform UK

QUAIL Nick Scottish Greens


Last time

Glasgow North West result 2019

Carol Monaghan SNP  19,676   49.5%

Patricia Ferguson Lab 11,319  28.5%

Ade Abinu   Con            6022   15.2%

James Spiers LibDem 2716   6.8%