Scottish parents are being urged to check their eligibility for extra financial support over the summer holidays to cover child meals.

The national advice agency Advice Direct Scotland is imploring households to determine whether they qualify for this assistance before schools commence their summer break later this month.

Families usually entitled to free school meals during term-time should be on the lookout for automatic payments of £2.50 per child, per day during the holiday period.

While these dates depend on each council, households with two children could potentially receive around £150 over a six-week summer break.

Parents who haven’t yet applied for free school meals or those whose financial conditions may change over the holidays are being urged to take necessary action.

Currently, all pupils from P1 to P5 attending council-run schools receive free school lunches during term time, regardless of their family’s financial situation.

Students in P6 and above with low-income backgrounds continue to qualify.

Over the summer holidays, the Scottish Government also provides funding for children of parents claiming certain benefits.

These payments are set at £2.50 per child, per day, for each day of the holidays, excluding weekends.

For eligibility, individuals should receive one of the following benefits: Universal Credit, Income Support, Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance, Income-based Employment and Support Allowance, or Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.

Help may also be received given that individuals meet certain income requirements while receiving Child and/or Working Tax Credit.

Those who become eligible over the summer holidays can apply for the extra support immediately.

Applications can be completed via councils or online at

Conor Forbes, Advice Direct Scotland's policy director, said: "As we approach the summer holidays, it’s important that people are aware of the support available to help them provide healthy meals for their children.

"We know that many Scots are finding things extremely difficult when it comes to their household finances due to the cost-of-living crisis, and will be worried about a range of holiday-related expenses.

"The good news is that for those whose children are eligible for free school meals, payments are available throughout the summer, so we would urge anyone who might benefit to apply now.

"Anyone worried or confused can call Advice Direct Scotland, where we have a wide range of services available to everyone at no cost, regardless of personal circumstance." provides free advice and information on various subjects, including access to benefits and whether households are claiming all the support they are entitled to.

They can be contacted on 0808 800 9060 (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm), or via