YOKER residents have expressed concerns over the safety of a junction on Dumbarton Road in Glasgow.

They feel the entrance to the Ellerslie Estate, which contains 124 properties, is dangerous due to the lack of a box junction.

People looking to turn right when both entering and leaving the estate do not have a marked area for them to be able to complete the manoeuvre.

However, Glasgow City Council insists that it would be "inappropriate" to install a yellow box junction in this area.

And Phil Jarvis, chairman of the Ellerslie Owners Association, opened up on his concerns regarding the junction.

"It is particularly an issue in the morning, and it is really dangerous," he said.

"There is no safe way for us to access Dumbarton Road when we are leaving the estate.

"Quite often buses, lorries and other vehicles block the road and as a driver, you just have to wait for a gap to get out and hope for the best.

"Often it can take several changes of the lights before you can come out of our estate and turn right.

"At times it can cause people to take a chance and go through a red light because they are frustrated, which is dangerous."

The Glasgow Times previously spoke to Bill Faerestrand, who also lives in the estate and is the secretary of the same owners' association, regarding the maintenance of a slope and footpath beside the Clyde riverside.

And he also expressed his frustrations about the lack of a box junction, insisting it has been a problem for over a decade. 

"We have been in dispute with the council about the problem for the last ten years, asking for a box junction," he said.

"The council have come up with all sorts of excuses such as it is too expensive, we need planning permission and it has to be reviewed by our traffic department.

"Ten years down the line we have made little progress. We haven’t really got anywhere through writing to executives at the council which is why we have attempted to engage the councillors themselves.

"Glasgow City Council’s (GCC) communication has been shocking over the years and it only seems to be getting worse.

"I have no faith in them whatsoever."

A spokesperson for GCC said: "It would be inappropriate to install a yellow box junction at this junction.

"Box junctions are intended to assist vehicles turning from a main road into a minor road and restrict drivers from waiting within the box junction.

"If a driver seeking to turn right out of Ellerslie Road on to Dumbarton Road came to a halt within the junction they would be committing a road traffic offence if a box junction was in place.

"An advisory ‘keep clear’ sign has been installed within the signalised junction on the east bound lane of Dumbarton Road and that can help drivers join the flow of traffic.

"A refresh of the road markings at this junction has been requested."