A Glasgow man is set to embark on a 100-mile walk to raise funds for the charity that treated his brother's cancer diagnosis.

Ameed Versace, 62, will undertake the trek following his brother's treatment at the Beatson Centre.

His route, set for June 24, starts in Dundee, passes through Dunfermline and Edinburgh, and culminates at The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre in Glasgow.

(Image: Ameed Versace)

Ameed, a Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society (SABS) member, said: “One of my brothers was at The Beatson receiving treatment. I went to visit him and I was very moved when I saw him lying on his bed.

“He was receiving amazing care from the doctors and nurses. People couldn't do enough for him.

"He was obviously very unwell but he insisted on rising from the bed and greeting me properly and fully - and that moved me.

“As I was leaving, I thought to myself, if we’re talking about caring for humanity, there's no greater respect that we could give, but to do something for The Beatson.”

He plans to finish his walk in less than 72 hours, with intermittent stops.

He came up with the fundraising idea to raise awareness about Beatson Cancer Charity and the support services they provide.

He added: “Despite the diagnosis and the treatments my brother received, I felt as if he had a very positive outlook on the fact that what is available at The Beatson is quite amazing.

“The level of care really got to him too. Even the other patients and the camaraderie that can be built because there were about four to the ward in his particular ward.

"I felt as if they had this kind of bond – they were all chatting to each other while we were all visiting - I felt that was quite important.”

He said his brother’s courage will get him through the days, adding: “Just seeing him in the hospital, what he received, how he's come out of the hospital, and just his wee face at the finishing line which is what I'd like to see – that’ll be a huge driving force for me.”

Maisie McCormick, community fundraising manager at Beatson Cancer Charity, said the organisation is grateful to Mr Versace and SABS for their support.

She said: "The walk Ameed is taking on will be no mean feat – we wish him the best of luck and look forward to cheering him on at The Beatson."